Friday, August 3, 2007

Clinton Gouveia, Alliance GM


Clinton Gouveia is the General Manager of Alliance Martial Arts, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu school founded by Rolls Gracie Black Belt Romero “Jacare” Cavalcanti. Clinton is currently a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt under Jacare, is in charge of all the day to day operations at the gym and is deeply entrenched in all aspects of the business.

A life long Martial Artist, Clinton Gouveia has been involved in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 4 years but only began working for Alliance Martial Arts in 2007. As General Manager Clinton is in charge of a number of departments within the organization, his responsibilities include but are not limited to: Marketing, Sales, Human Resources and Customer Relations, Event Planning, Recruiting, Teaching and arranging Private Lessons and Seminars for the Instructors. Clinton has increased member involvement within the gym by creating and maintaining the school’s Blog and News Site.

Clinton Gouveia is currently enrolled as a Junior at Georgia State University where he plans to complete a degree in Business Management. Upon completing his undergraduate degree Clinton intends to move on to the Physical Therapy program at GSU. With a degree in Physical Therapy Clinton Gouveia plans to open a Wellness Clinic that focuses on rehabilitation for sports related injuries.

Alec is a purple belt under Romero Jacare and an avid competitor placing third in the Pan-Am, first in the New York Opens purple belt middle weight and absolute divisions, and second in the BJJ World Championship.

Alec is currently enrolled as a mathematics major at Morehouse College

In 2004, Daren received a Japanese Jiu-Jitsu black belt from Sekai martial arts of Belair, Maryland. Currently a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under "Jacare" he is an active competitor and loves training. Winning many local events he also won third place as a brown belt in the prestigious 2009 Pan American Jiu-Jitsu Championship. Daren is a full time student at Georgia Perimeter College working on a degree in engineering and looking forward to transferring to Georgia Tech. Recently awarded Dean’s List at Georgia Perimeter College, he is truly enjoying his academic experience and attributes a lot of his success in college due to the analytical skills he acquired in learning Jiu-Jitsu developed over his years of training and his great coaches Jacare, Cobrinha, and Chris Moriarty.

In 2004, Daren received a Japanese Jiu-Jitsu black belt from Sekai martial arts of Belair, Maryland. Currently a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under "Jacare" he is an active competitor and loves training. Winning many local events he also won third place as a brown belt in the prestigious 2009 Pan American Jiu-Jitsu Championship. Daren is a full time student at Georgia Perimeter College working on a degree in engineering and looking forward to transferring to Georgia Tech. Recently awarded Dean’s List at Georgia Perimeter College, he is truly enjoying his academic experience and attributes a lot of his success in college due to the analytical skills he acquired in learning Jiu-Jitsu developed over his years of training and his great coaches Jacare, Cobrinha, and Chris Moriarty.